In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I worked closely with the Women's Health Team at Fenway Health to develop a multichannel campaign that would highlight the disproportionate impact breast cancer has had on women of color and LGBTQ women. This campaign also included the promotion of the Audre Lorde Cancer Awareness Brunch celebration and elevated the voices of those affected by cancer.
Role: Art Direction, Graphic Design, Research, and Writing
Recognition: Infographic featured in the October 24, 2017 edition of LGBT HealthLink on the Huffington Post.
In partnership with the women's health program coordinator, I created a single online place for people to interact with all of the campaign's multimedia content, namely survivor story videos, social media graphics, infographics, and a downloadable resource guide.
As part of this campaign, I designed the infographic and resource guide. To tie together all of the print and digital materials, I developed a visual identity inspired by a dream Audre Lorde shared in her book, The Cancer Journals. In this ocean, she is surrounded by women who give her the energy to move forward after her battle with cancer.
Below are a few of the social media assets designed for the campaign. The content featured cancer facts and prevention tips as well as testimonials from women in the community and Audre Lorde.
Selected Works
You Got Mail: Package Design for Influencer KitsProject type
Exploring the Impact of CancerProject type
Gender Justice Video ProjectVideo, Storytelling
M+R Benchmarks Study 2023Project type
National Mentoring Summit 2021Storytelling, Content Development
Celebrating Live Arts Boston's First Three YearsAs a visual design consultant for the Boston Foundation, I worked with their team to produce a story-driven content hub and retrospective print report to highlight the grant's impact on advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Greater Boston art scene.
Create the VoteProject type
She Came to PlayProject type
Her Campus Creative ZineProject type
Refresh Your Day TourProject type
Dorm Sweet DormProject type
Youth VoteProject type
Power of Good TourProject type
Storied EatsProject type
Breast Cancer AwarenessProject type
Boomerangs Thrift Store RebrandProject type
Public Policy x LGBTQ+ Health OutcomesProject type
Public Health InfographicsProject type