NextGen America and Her Campus teamed up to create the editorial series "Youth Vote." The goal was to encourage voter participation amongst college women during the 2018 midterm elections. The campaign included original articles by college women about their thoughts on the election and politics.
As part of this project, I designed an interactive StoryDeck that allowed readers to swipe through the key issues in that election season as well as the ads to drive readers to the campaign.
Role: Art Direction and Visual Design
Above are examples of the co-branded ads I designed to promote the content hub, Youth Vote, as well as the companion article, "Swipe Right On Voting Because Everything's High-key Garbage." The ads ran on To the right is a look at the content hub design. The Youth Vote hero features a custom illustration of a youth protest, which was provided by the NextGen America team.
The following are examples of cards included in the "Here's What's At Stake In This Year's Elections" StoryDeck. Each card was shareable on social media to encourage individuals within a reader's network to also engage with the content provided.
I was responsible for the visual design of the StoryDeck, the StoryDeck team did the coding/development, and Her Campus News Editor, Katherine Speller, wrote the copy.
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